Vertigo, a disconcerting feeling of spinning and wooziness, can be quite crippling for people who experience it. Effective therapy is crucial for this ailment because it can greatly affect a person’s quality of life and ability to carry out everyday tasks. Acupuncture, a method with roots in ancient knowledge, has emerged as a promising ally in the fight against vertigo among the different treatment choices. We at Metro Acupuncture, a Sandy Springs, Georgia acupuncture practice, have given vertigo sufferers a modern and approachable way to get relief and regain balance.

Understanding Vertigo and Conventional Treatments

The vestibular system, which oversees maintaining our sense of balance and spatial orientation, is frequently blamed for vertigo-related problems. Medication, physical therapy, and dietary changes are all common vertigo treatments. While some people may find relief from these methods, others could find them insufficient or have negative side effects. This emphasizes the requirement for alternative therapies that can deal with the root causes of vertigo.

Vertigo is a complicated and frequently disabling disorder that is characterized by an uncomfortable sense of spinning or swaying. Dizziness, loss of balance, and nausea might occur suddenly. Vertigo affects a person’s emotional health, everyday activities, and general quality of life in addition to its physical symptoms.

The Vestibular System: Where Balance Resides:

The vestibular system, a unique and delicate network of structures found in the inner ear, is at the root of dizziness. In order to maintain coordination, spatial orientation, and balance, this mechanism is crucial. Vertigo can happen when any part of this system is malfunctioning or sending the brain incorrect signals.

Common Causes of Vertigo

1. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV):

One of the most common causes of this type of vertigo is when microscopic calcium crystals called canaliths in the inner ear become loose.

2. Meniere’s Disease:

Meniere’s disease, which is characterized by fluid accumulation in the inner ear, can cause vertigo, hearing loss, and tinnitus, or ringing in the ears.

3. Vestibular Neuritis or Labyrinthitis:

These diseases, which are frequently brought on by viral infections, involve inflammation of the inner ear or of the nerves that connect it to the brain.

4. Migraine-Associated Vertigo:

Some people who suffer from migraines, sometimes known as vestibular migraines, also experience vertigo as a symptom.

5. Acoustic Neuroma:

Both vertigo and hearing loss may be brought on by this uncommon, non-cancerous growth on the vestibular nerve.

Conventional Treatments for Vertigo

Numerous therapies have been developed by medical research to alleviate vertigo symptoms and enhance the patient’s quality of life. The effectiveness of these treatments is frequently based on the precise reason and degree of vertigo. Here are a few such traditional methods:

1. Medications

Antihistamines, antiemetics (to ease nausea), and vestibular suppressants can all temporarily relieve acute vertigo symptoms. These medications might not, however, treat the underlying cause of vertigo.

2. Physical Therapy

Through exercises and maneuvers, vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT), a specific form of physical therapy, aims to increase balance and lessen vertigo. For specific types of vertigo, such BPPV, VRT can be helpful.

3. Surgery

Surgical intervention may be required when structural abnormalities, such as tumors or anatomical flaws, are the root cause of vertigo. Surgery tries to resolve these problems and return the vestibular system to normal operation.

4. Dietary and Lifestyle Changes

Vertigo symptoms can be controlled for diseases like Meniere’s illness by making dietary changes (such as consuming less salt) and lifestyle changes (such as reducing stress).

5. Habituation Exercises

These exercises are meant to aid people in gradually becoming accustomed to vertigo symptoms. To lessen sensitivity, they entail a controlled exposure to dizzying movements.

Many vertigo sufferers can find relief from these traditional treatments, but they have some drawbacks. Surgical procedures come with inherent dangers, and some drugs may have negative effects. Furthermore, the underlying reasons of vertigo could not always be addressed by these treatments.

The Limitations and the Need for Alternatives

Alternative methods are nevertheless necessary even though traditional therapies can manage vertigo symptoms for certain people. Numerous people continue to have frequent vertigo episodes, sometimes getting worse. Others might discover that their medications only temporarily relieve their symptoms and do not treat the underlying reasons of their illness.

Alternative therapies, like acupuncture, have become more well-known and accepted in this setting. A new approach to healing, based on holistic ideas that take the interconnectivity of the body’s systems into account, is provided through acupuncture. Acupuncture aims to balance and harmonize the entire body, including the vestibular system, as opposed to treating individual disorders.

 You can make an appointment here if you’re interested in receiving acupuncture at our Atlanta acupuncture clinic.

Acupuncture: A Holistic Approach to Vertigo Relief

Acupuncture introduces the concept that the body has its own intrinsic healing potential. This philosophy underlies its holistic approach to vertigo alleviation. In order to balance the body’s energy and reestablish harmony, acupuncturists strategically insert tiny needles at certain locations on the body. This all-encompassing strategy supports the notion that bodily imbalances in one area can have an impact on others, and that vertigo symptoms can be reduced by correcting these imbalances.

Scientific Evidence Supporting Acupuncture

Scientific data that emphasizes acupuncture’s effect on the nervous system backs up its therapeutic effects. Endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, are released when acupuncture is administered, which promotes a general feeling of wellbeing. Acupuncture affects neurotransmitters like serotonin and norepinephrine, which are crucial for mood management and homeostasis, in addition to pain modulation. Acupuncture can also improve blood flow and lessen inflammation in addition to its potential to ease vertigo symptoms.

Benefits of Acupuncture for Vertigo Relief

1. Restored Balance

The holistic method used by licensed acupuncturists at Metro Acupuncture aim to treat the underlying causes of dizziness while fostering systemic balance.

2. Enhanced Blood Circulation

Acupuncturists at Metro acupuncture focus on increasing blood flow by carefully positioning needles, enabling the vestibular system’s maximum performance.

3. Stress Reduction

The parasympathetic nervous system is stimulated, assisting in the reduction of stress, a known cause of vertigo attacks.

4. Neurotransmitter Modulation

The technique’s impact on neurotransmitters promotes mental stability and healthy brain function, which also helps to relieve vertigo.

Acupuncture: A Delicate Harmony of Healing

Acupuncture offers a solution to vertigo that takes the interdependence of the body’s systems into account. Metro acupuncture gives those who live in the Sandy Springs and Dunwoody, Georgia area who struggle with the effects of vertigo hope and recovery by fostering balance with acupuncture.

At Metro Acupuncture, we’re committed to creating a harmonic fusion of conventional medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. Our goal is to provide a place of refuge for holistic therapy, where people who are experiencing vertigo can find relief.

We are aware of the complexity of vertigo and the many difficulties it poses to different people. The skilled acupuncturists on our staff understand that true healing goes beyond symptom relief. It entails dealing with the underlying imbalances in the complex systems of the body.

We base the way we treat vertigo on the tenets of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which sees health as a condition of harmony and balance. The body’s energy, or Qi, are thought to flow easily when homeostasis is restored and healing starts.

At Metro Acupuncture, each acupuncture session is a customized path to wellness. Our practitioners carefully insert tiny needles at selected acupoints to help the body return to a state of balance that is more akin to its natural state. Our treatments are created to address the complex interplay of elements that might cause vertigo, including stress and inner ear problems. Metro Acupuncture works to empower you on your way to overcoming vertigo naturally.


Metro acupuncture stands out as a kind and successful method for treating the spinning sensation associated with vertigo. It offers a comprehensive approach to addressing the underlying causes of vertigo since it blends traditional wisdom with contemporary urban living. Metro acupuncture is a potent therapy for addressing vertigo because of its many diverse advantages, including restoring balance, lowering tension, and improving blood circulation. Metro acupuncture offers vertigo sufferers a ray of hope in the chaotic world of urban centers, assisting them in regaining control and finding equilibrium in their life.

If you’re interested in receiving Acupuncture at our Atlanta acupuncture practice, you can book an appointment here.


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  • Mark Lewinter, DACM, L.Ac.

    Mark A. Lewinter, DACM, L.Ac. has a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine degree from Pacific College of Health and Science and a Master of Science degree in Oriental Medicine from Southwest Acupuncture College. His interest in studying East Asian Medicine started at age thirteen when he was diagnosed with cancer. While undergoing chemotherapy, he also incorporated alternative medicine to facilitate his recovery.

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