Cupping Therapy Georgia

Cupping Therapy in Georgia

We ate Metro Acupuncture provides Cupping therapy in Georgia. Cupping therapy is an effective form of manual therapy from East Asian medicine that involves placing glass cups on the skin to create suction. At Metro Acupuncture, we specialize in cupping, particularly targeting areas like the upper and lower back, shoulders, and neck. 

Cupping Therapy Georgia

The cups are usually made of thick-walled glass and placed on the skin after creating a vacuum. There are two methods to produce a vacuum: “fire cups,” using a flame that removes air from the cup to form a vacuum, and “air cups,” which involve a mechanical pump drawing air from the cup.

One of the primary purposes of most cupping treatments is to provide pain relief. The suction the cups create causes a focused micro-trauma to the affected area. This results in improved blood flow, decreased musculoskeletal pain, and less inflammation in the affected area. In addition to pain management, cupping therapy is helpful for the treatment of other conditions, including upper respiratory infections and asthma.

Cupping Research

In 2015, the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences published ‘An Overview of Systematic Reviews of Clinical Evidence for Cupping Therapy,’ revealing potential benefits for conditions such as facial paralysis and cervical spondylosis. It also noted that cupping is safe, with only mild side effects commonly reported.

Cervical Spondylosis can include:   

Neck Pain: Persistent or intermittent pain in the neck and nearby areas. This pain may radiate down to the shoulders and arms.  

Stiff Neck: A feeling of stiffness or reduced range of motion in the neck, making it difficult and painful to turn the head.  

Headaches: Cervical spondylosis can be associated with headaches, especially at the back of the head.  

Muscle Weakness: Weakness in the muscles of the arms, hands, or legs may occur due to nerve compression.  

Numbness and Tingling: Compression of nerves in the cervical spine can lead to numbness, tingling, or a “pins and needles” sensation in the arms or hands.

How Does Cupping Work?

A review of cupping therapy was published in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine in 2019, summarizing the use of cupping for various health conditions and exploring its mechanisms and effects based on scientific research. Although it is not exactly clear how cupping therapy is beneficial, several theories suggest it can reduce pain, enhance blood circulation, and stimulate the immune system. Key theories include the Pain-Gate Theory, which posits that cupping alters pain signals at the neurological level, and the Nitric Oxide Theory. The latter proposes that cupping improves blood flow by releasing nitric oxide, an essential molecule for overall health. As a vasodilator, nitric oxide signals blood vessels to relax and widen, facilitating the free flow of blood, nutrients, and oxygen throughout the body. This increased circulation to painful areas can provide significant pain relief.

Cupping therapy is effective

For over 25 years, our practitioners at Metro Acupuncture have successfully used cupping to provide pain relief to patients. If you’re searching for “cupping near me,” you may have questions like “how much does cupping cost?” “Does cupping hurt?” “Can cupping help me?” We can answer all those questions for you, so if you live in the Georgia and want to know more about it, feel free to contact our office. We’d be glad to help you. Schedule an appointment today.


How much does cupping therapy cost? Initial appointments with Mark Lewinter, DACM, L.Ac, and Andrea Lewinter, D.Ac, L.Ac. are $189.00. The appointment includes a consultation and an acupuncture treatment. Follow-up appointments are $139.00. Initial appointments with Laura Bowman, MD, are $205.00. The appointment includes a consultation and an acupuncture treatment. Follow-up appointments are $159.00.

How long have you offered cupping? Our acupuncture clinic has been providing cupping services since 1998.

Why do I have circular marks on my skin after cupping? Circular marks on the skin after cupping are caused by the suction of the cups, which increases blood flow to the surface vessels. The marks are not bruises but a result of ruptured capillaries beneath the skin, creating temporary discoloration. This indicates improved circulation, reduced muscle tension, and the release of toxins. The marks typically fade within a few days to a week.