Welcome to our page regarding acupuncture for fertility and during IVF.

Our practice offers supportive care throughout your fertility journey. We are here to assist during all stages, whether you’re trying to conceive through timed intercourse, an IUI, or IVF. Conveniently located near reproductive endocrinology and infertility specialists in Atlanta, such as Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine (ACRM), Bloom Fertility, Shady Grove Fertility, and Reproductive Biology Associates (RBA), we are an excellent choice for Acupuncture during your fertility journey and on the day of your embryo transfer (ET) during your IVF protocol.

There are two sections on this page.

The first section discusses and provides resources on how acupuncture can help improve the outcome of an IVF. The second section examines the East Asian philosophy and mechanics of how acupuncture enhances fertility.  

Part 1:  Acupuncture and In Vitro Fertilization (IVF):

Enhancing Reproductive Success   

The journey to parenthood can be a challenging and emotional process for couples undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF). As advancements in reproductive medicine continue, complementary therapies like acupuncture have gained attention for their potential to enhance the success of an IVF cycle. This section explores the benefits of acupuncture before, during, and after an IVF cycle.

Preparing for Success: Acupuncture Before IVF – Weekly treatments ideally starting 2-3 months before IVF 

Regulation of the Menstrual Cycle:   

Acupuncture can be employed as a preparatory measure before the commencement of IVFResearch suggests that Acupuncture can regulate menstrual cycles. By increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs and balancing hormonal levels, acupuncture creates an environment for optimal fertility. 

Stress Reduction:   

The stress associated with infertility and IVF treatments can negatively impact outcomes. Acupuncture reduces stress and anxiety. Stress reduction is beneficial during IVF preparation, as heightened stress hormones can interfere with the delicate hormonal balance required for successful embryo implantation.   

Improving Ovarian Function:   

Several studies suggest that acupuncture may improve ovarian function. Acupuncture potentially enhances egg quality by increasing ovarian blood flow and promoting follicle development. Improved ovarian function contributes to producing high-quality eggs, a vital factor in successful IVF outcomes.

Acupuncture During the Stimulation Phase of IVF Protocol:  

Acupuncture during the stimulation phase of the IVF protocol involves acupuncture every 3-4 days to complement and enhance the effects of ovarian stimulation medications. These acupuncture sessions aim to support follicle development, regulate hormonal balance, improve blood flow to the ovaries, and reduce stress and anxiety associated with the IVF process. By integrating acupuncture into the stimulation phase, patients may experience improved response to medication, potentially leading to better quality eggs and optimized outcomes during IVF treatment.

Acupuncture on the Day of Embryo Transfer: 

Metro Acupuncture has been offering Acupuncture on the day of Embryo transfer since 2001. Our clinic is near many of Atlanta’s reproductive endocrinology and infertility specialists’ groups.

The benefit of Acupuncture on the day of ET: 

Stress Reduction: Acupuncture stimulates the release of endorphins, which act as natural stress relievers. Reducing stress levels on the day of embryo transfer positively impacts the body and supports implantation. By inducing a state of relaxation, Acupuncture contributes to the dilation of blood vessels, improved oxygenation, and a reduction in muscle tension. These factors collectively support an environment conducive to successful embryo implantation. 

Modulation of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS): Acupuncture is associated with the modulation of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which is crucial in regulating various physiological functions. By influencing the ANS, Acupuncture may help create a more balanced and harmonious internal environment, potentially supporting the embryo transfer process.   

Blood Flow: Acupuncture may enhance blood circulation, including blood flow to the uterus. Improved uterine blood flow is beneficial for embryo implantation, as it ensures an adequate supply of nutrients and oxygen to the endometrium.  

Reduction of Uterine Contractions: Uterine contractions, even subtle ones, can potentially interfere with implantation. Acupuncture can help relax the uterine muscles, reducing the likelihood of contractions and promoting a more favorable environment for the embryo.  

Enhanced Endometrial Receptivity: Acupuncture may influence the endometrial lining, making it more receptive to embryo implantation. Acupuncture treatments may regulate blood flow, immune response, and hormonal balance within the uterine environment.  


Post-Transfer Support and Before Pregnancy Test:   

Acupuncture After Your Embryo Transfer  

  1. Improving Implantation Rates

Acupuncture may improve implantation rates. Acupuncture supports the early stages of embryo implantation by promoting relaxation, reducing inflammation, and enhancing blood flow.  

  1. Minimizing Stress and Anxiety

The two-week wait after embryo transfer can be anxiety-inducing for couples. Acupuncture’s stress-reducing effects can be particularly beneficial during this crucial time. Reduced stress levels contribute to a more supportive environment for embryo implantation.  

  1. Preventing miscarriage

Acupuncture may also play a role in preventing miscarriage post-IVF. Acupuncture may modulate the immune system, potentially reducing the risk of miscarriage by promoting immune tolerance to the implanted embryos.

The integration of Acupuncture into the various stages of the IVF process offers a holistic and supportive approach to enhancing reproductive success. Scientific studies consistently indicate the benefits of acupuncture in regulating menstrual cycles, improving ovarian function, enhancing blood flow, modulating hormonal levels, reducing stress, and increasing chances of a live birth.  

Part 2: Acupuncture for Infertility:

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, infertility affects a considerable number of American married women, with almost 20% struggling to conceive. Although there are several potential causes, pinpointing the exact reason for the difficulty in conceiving can be challenging, even for fertility specialists. If you’re experiencing infertility, we suggest you consult with a reproductive endocrinologist and infertility specialist to diagnose and treat the underlying causes. In addition, acupuncture may prove beneficial.

Take Home-messages:   

  • Acupuncture has gained validation as a legitimate medical treatment for several health conditions, including infertility.  
  • Consulting with your doctor can help identify the underlying causes of infertility, improving your chances of conception.  
  • Acupuncture can also promote overall relaxation throughout the body, which may increase the probability of successful assisted reproductive technology cycles.   
  • Numerous clinical studies have demonstrated the efficacy of Acupuncture in increasing positive outcomes for women undergoing fertility treatments.  


Can Acupuncture treat infertility?  

The most effective infertility treatment varies depending on its underlying cause. Acupuncture can prove to be a beneficial form of treatment for women who have received a diagnosis of infertility, particularly if they have had previous failed attempts with IVF. A qualitative study and randomized controlled trials showed that women who received acupuncture treatment before an IVF procedure had significantly lower anxiety levels and higher pregnancy rates than those who did not. Additionally, a systemic review of several studies found that women who received Acupuncture during an embryo transfer had higher pregnancy rates and lower rates of miscarriage. Acupuncture is a versatile form of treatment that integrates into fertility treatments such as IVF and Intrauterine Insemination (IUI).

But how does Acupuncture improve your chances of getting pregnant? The answer lies in a combination of factors, which we will examine more closely. Acupuncture, originating from Chinese text dating back to the third (3rd) century BCE, is an effective treatment and supplementary therapy for women struggling with infertility. 

Acupuncture offers several potential benefits that improve their chances of conceiving by regulating the autonomic nervous system(ANS) and stress hormone changes. The ANS is a vital system in the human body that controls various functions, including heart rate, respiration, digestion, and sexual arousal. Acupuncture is an East Asian medical practice that involves the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body to stimulate nerves, muscles, and connective tissue. Cui et al. (2021) have shown that Acupuncture can regulate Neuro-Endocrine-Immune Network System and cause the release of neurotransmitters and hormones, reducing inflammation, and promoting neural plasticity.

peer-reviewed scientific paper state that by reducing stress levels before and after fertility treatments, acupuncture can help lower anxiety, induce relaxation, release muscle tension, and decrease the presence of stress hormones in the body. Elevated levels of cortisol, the primary stress hormone, can disrupt the menstrual cycle and ovulation. Additionally, anxiety can cause an increase in adrenaline, leaving the body in a constant state of tension. These ongoing effects of stress and anxiety can negatively impact ovulation and conception, potentially lowering success rates even for women undergoing reproductive treatments. With the potential benefits of Acupuncture, women can seek this therapy to reduce stress and anxiety and improve their chances of conceiving.

How many treatments will I need to treat infertility?  

The number of treatments required varies from person to person, depending on several factors, such as the underlying cause of infertility, age, and overall health. Typically, a course of treatment with Acupuncture for infertility may involve weekly sessions for several weeks, with some patients requiring up to three to four months of regular treatments to achieve optimal results. For patients undergoing IVF, we suggest Acupuncture every three to four days during the stimulation phase of their cycle. Many patients also receive Acupuncture before and after the day of their embryo transfer. We can suggest an individualized treatment plan for you during the initial consultation.

When should I start Acupuncture for infertility?  

If you’re exploring Acupuncture as a potential treatment for infertility, you might be wondering when the best time to start is. Acupuncture can be beneficial at any stage of your fertility journey, and we at Metro Acupuncture believe it is always possible to start treatment. For patients doing IVF, even one treatment is better than none. We suggest beginning acupuncture treatments for infertility two to three months before your first embryo transfer, which can increase the likelihood of a successful conception. We also understand that this is not always possible. The day of a positive pregnancy test is one of the happiest days in one’s fertility journey, but a pregnancy can come with its own challenges, and many of our patients continue acupuncture throughout their pregnancy, especially during their first trimester.


How does acupuncture assist with IUI or IVF? Acupuncture is a proven complementary therapy that aids fertility, conception, and pregnancy. Scientific studies confirm its role in improving egg quality, enhancing pelvic blood flow, and supporting uterine lining development crucial for embryo implantation. Women undergoing IUI or IVF face emotional and physical challenges, and acupuncture helps regulate biochemical and neurological processes. At Metro Acupuncture, we’ve helped thousands of women diagnosed with infertility who are relying on IUI or IVF to start families. 

How does acupuncture improve IVF success? Acupuncture boosts IVF success by inducing relaxation, regulating hormones, and improving blood flow to reproductive organs. It optimizes the uterine environment, supports ovarian function, and reduces stress during IVF. Our personalized acupuncture treatments at Metro Acupuncture are tailored to address fertility concerns, ultimately increasing success rates for infertility patients in Atlanta, Georgia. 

Does acupuncture aid with IUI? Yes, acupuncture boosts IUI success by promoting relaxation, regulating hormones, and improving blood flow. It optimizes the uterine environment, supports ovarian function, and reduces stress during the process. Our individualized acupuncture treatments at Metro Acupuncture aim to enhance outcomes for patients undergoing IUI in Atlanta, Georgia. 

I’ve heard that keeping my feet warm can be helpful for fertility. Why is that? The benefits of keeping feet warm for fertility can be explained from both East Asian medicine and Western medical perspectives. According to the principles of East Asian medicine, keeping feet warm for fertility enhances Qi (vital energy) flow, supporting the yin-water meridian associated with reproductive health. Warmth improves circulation and energy balance and positively influences fertility and overall well-being. A Western medical explanation of why it is beneficial to keep your feet warm is that it may enhance fertility by promoting blood circulation. Warmth dilates blood vessels, facilitating nutrient and oxygen delivery to reproductive organs. Improved circulation supports a conducive environment for reproductive tissues and may positively impact hormonal balance, optimizing fertility conditions. Whether it be an Eastern, Western, or mixed explanation that resonates with you, keeping your feet warm, primarily when cold outside, benefits your health and fertility.

Is your acupuncture practice near my infertility doctor and IVF clinic? Yes, Metro Acupuncture is conveniently located near several major fertility clinics in Atlanta. Our acupuncture practice is just a few minutes’ drive from the Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine, Reproductive Biology Associates, and Shady Grove Fertility. This proximity makes it very convenient for you to combine visits to our acupuncture clinic with your appointments at your reproductive endocrinology and infertility clinic.

I’m having an embryo transfer at my fertility clinic in Atlanta. Can you provide acupuncture on the same day as my embryo transfer? Yes, we can provide acupuncture on the same day as your embryo transfer. We’re an excellent choice for both pre- and post-acupuncture on the day of your embryo transfer, given our extensive experience in providing acupuncture to IVF patients since 2001 and our close proximity to many IVF clinics in Atlanta.

What is TEAS? TEAS, short for Transcutaneous Electro-Acupuncture Stimulation, is a therapy that merges acupuncture with electrical stimulation. During TEAS, low-level electrical currents are directed to specific acupuncture points on the skin. These points are selected based on the individual’s condition and in alignment with acupuncture theory. 

How does TEAS work? Transcutaneous Electro-Acupuncture Stimulation (TEAS) works by sending mild electrical impulses through the skin to stimulate acupuncture points. This stimulation also enhances blood flow, aiding in the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the stimulated areas. From a neurological perspective, these electrical impulses increase the release of β-endorphin, endomorphins, enkephalins, serotonin, and other neurochemicals to relieve pain as well as mental stress, anxiety, and depression. TEAS can be a helpful tool for improving fertility, reducing pain, addressing gastrointestinal disorders, and decreasing anxiety and depression. Specifically, regarding fertility, TEAS may reduce anxiety related to in vitro fertilization (IVF), improve biomarkers for diminished ovarian reserve, enhance live birth rates in women over 35, and increase endometrial receptivity during the implantation window.” 

I’m doing IVF (In Vitro Fertilization). Will TEAS help me? If you’re undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF), Transcutaneous Electro-Acupuncture Stimulation (TEAS) can offer some benefits. TEAS is an effective adjunctive therapy that can help regulate the menstrual cycle, improve ovarian function, and enhance blood flow to the reproductive organs. These benefits can improve fertility outcomes during the IVF process. TEAS has also been shown to help reduce anxiety associated with the IVF process, a common concern for many undergoing IVF. This reduction in stress and anxiety levels can make your experience more emotionally manageable. Additionally, TEAS can improve biomarkers for those with diminished ovarian reserve, a factor that can influence ovarian function. For women over the age of 35, TEAS has been linked to increased live birth rates. TEAS can also enhance endometrial receptivity during the implantation window, a factor that can increase the success of IVF.

Do you offer TEAS for IVF patients at your acupuncture office? At Metro Acupuncture, we recognize the potential benefits of TEAS in supporting patients undergoing IVF treatments. Therefore, we often incorporate TEAS into our treatment protocols for fertility enhancement. We provide education and guidance to our patients, teaching them how to perform TEAS at home safely and effectively. This empowers patients to actively participate in their own care and potentially improve the outcomes of their IVF.