At Metro Acupuncture in Atlanta, Georgia, Dr. Mark Lewinter and his mother, Dr. Andrea Lewinter, both licensed acupuncture practitioners, are passionate about helping their patients make healthful changes in their lives. Recently, they discussed the courage it takes to make those changes and the impact it can have on overall well-being.

The Courage to Change

According to Mark and Andrea, making healthful choices, whether it is improving diet, sleep, or exercise, requires courage. They encounter this daily in their practice as they help patients manage a variety of health issues, such as migraines, acute and chronic pain, infertility, or supportive care during IVF. Making the choice to seek help and walking through the door of an acupuncture clinic is a significant step, and Mark and Andrea recognize the bravery it takes for people to begin their healing journey.

Breaking Patterns

While many people are aware of the importance of sleep, quality food, and exercise, putting this knowledge into action is often difficult.

Patients often admit that they know they should be getting more sleep, exercising regularly, or paying more attention to their diet. However, even though they understand what they need to do, turning that knowledge into consistent habits is easier said than done.

Knowing vs. Doing

Mark and Andrea emphasize the gap between knowing and doing. They often see patients who are eager to make positive changes but struggle with follow-through. Mark shared his own experience of maintaining a daily running streak for over five years as an example. Even though he runs only one mile each day, he faces resistance every time he prepares to run. The hardest part, he says, is simply getting out the door.

This struggle to take the first steps toward positive change is something their patients experience as well. Despite knowing that they will feel better after making healthful choices, the emotional side, the part that craves comfort and resists change, often takes over. Andrea noted that patients leave the treatment room motivated and committed, only to find it challenging to stick to their goals once they return home and face the realities of their daily lives.

Emotional Struggle vs. Reward

The emotional struggle to make healthful choices does not go away, Mark explained, but neither does the reward. Every time he completes his daily run, he feels better, both mentally and physically. For their patients, even small healthful changes, whether it is eating more healthfully, improving sleep, or exercising, can lead to significant rewards.

Mark and Andrea encourage their patients to celebrate even the smallest steps toward better health. Acknowledging the emotional struggle while also embracing the reward is a key part of building long-term habits that promote greater health and longevity.

Baby Steps Toward Better Health

Andrea advises her patients to take small, manageable steps when it comes to improving their health. For sleep, she suggests picking a consistent bedtime and sticking to it for a week. For diet, adding just one new healthy food to their meals can be a great start. Exercise does not have to be overwhelming either. Just a few minutes of walking each day can make a difference, and those small efforts often lead to greater momentum.

The Lewinters believe that healthful habits are a practice. With time, patience, and persistence, anyone can cultivate better health. Resistance is a natural part of the process, but with courage and mindfulness, it is something you get used to and learn not to give too much attention to.

The Power of Persistence

Both Mark and Andrea emphasize the importance of persistence in creating lasting healthful habits. Mark’s daily running streak, which he began over five years ago, serves as a personal example of how consistent effort leads to long-term benefits. For their patients, the Lewinters recommend focusing on small wins and building on them over time.

At Metro Acupuncture, Mark and Andrea are dedicated to supporting their patients in every step of their health journey. They believe that with the right mindset and approach, anyone can make positive changes, no matter how small those changes may seem.

If you are ready to take the first step toward better health, Dr. Mark and Dr. Andrea Lewinter are here to help. Whether it is acupuncture, dietary advice, or overall wellness support, Metro Acupuncture is here to help you achieve your health goals.

Remember, by taking small, courageous steps and embracing both the struggle and the reward, anyone can create lasting change in their life.

  • Mark Lewinter, DACM, L.Ac.

    Mark A. Lewinter, DACM, L.Ac. has a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine degree from Pacific College of Health and Science and a Master of Science degree in Oriental Medicine from Southwest Acupuncture College. His interest in studying East Asian Medicine started at age thirteen when he was diagnosed with cancer. While undergoing chemotherapy, he also incorporated alternative medicine to facilitate his recovery.

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